Not all disease and pain can be fixed by medicine or nutrition. The source of your problem may be spiritual!
Often people spend all their time and money pursuing a physical answer to a spiritual problem.
When everything else has failed; Jesus can you help me?
She had suffered a great deal under the care of many doctors and had spent all she had, yet instead of getting better she grew worse.
Mark 5:23
A woman who had been subject to bleeding for twelve years. She had spent all her money on physicians, but no one was able to heal her. Luke 8:43
In both of the preceding passages, Jesus healed these women who had run out of medical options.
When you have spent thousands on doctors and drugs, and gotten worse. Then you bought every nutritional supplement known to man and are no better. You followed the advice of friends who told you to stop eating foods with chemicals, gluten, sugar, saturated fats, dairy, etc. Now you are starving and still sick as a dog.
You may not have a physical problem, you may have a spiritual problem.
A good example is of this was when one of our girls was 7, a babysitter exposed her to the movie “It.” The “monster” in this movie disguises himself as a clown. I am told, the monster lived in the sewers and would come out of toilets to get people. This movie was written by Stephen King and was designed to scare the heck out of people. The problem with movies like this is they can do just the opposite. They scare something into people and it is not good!
It wasn’t her fault!
Our daughter didn’t want to watch the movie, but the house was dark and she was afraid to go to another place in the house alone. While watching the movie, she was overcome with fear. She understandably believed the lie, that this monster was real and was going to get her. The Bible says, “the devil is a liar and he is the father of lies.” The devil uses lies in order to accomplish his goals.
After watching this movie our daughter could hardly sleep, and when she was able to sleep, she had to have the lights on. She was afraid to go to the bathroom; fear ruled her life. Even though it was not her fault, she was exposed to this horrible movie, it had a spiritual effect on her. The devil never plays fair.
Lying spirits bring disease.
The spirit of fear that gripped our daughter brought with it the most severe case of shingles I have ever heard of. She broke out with painful fluid filled blisters, they completely covered her stomach and looked like fish scales. We tried everything to get rid of the shingles but in the end it was prayer that did it.
Are you dealing with fear or do you have a physical ailment that won’t go away? It may be time to seek the Lord and do some spiritual warfare.
“Be self-controlled and alert. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.”
1 Peter 5:8
“Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the fullarmor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground”
Ephesians 6:10-13a
Notice, it’s not our armor, it’s God’s full armor!
It’s not our power; it’s God’s mighty power!
In every case, Jesus is the answer.
3 For though we live in the world, we do not wage war as the world does.4 The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds.5 We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.
2 Corinthians 10:3-5
What our daughter needed was to take some thoughts captive, but we need God’s weapons to do that!
So what are those weapons?
The Name of Jesus is the most powerful weapon. Simply call on the name of the Lord.
The Word of God. Take thoughts captive, and command those thoughts that are opposed to God’s Word to leave! Every time one of those lies comes to your mind, quote God’s word that is the truth. For instance, “For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.” Find scripture that applies to your situation or thoughts.
Faith. Jesus said that when you are praying and believe what you say, you will get what you are praying for. (Matthew 21:22) You and I must have faith in God.
Confession. James 5: 14-16 tells us to, “confess our sins to each other and pray for each other so that we may be healed.” Often people are healed when they confess their sins. Find someone you trust, and don’t leave anything out, then receive God’s forgiveness. (1 John 1:7-9)
Our daughter was eventually healed. Sometimes spiritual warfare takes time, not every war is won in a moment. Sometimes you have to battle for an extended period, and if you do not give up, you will prevail. Our daughter now a mom with 5 very healthy kids.
We have prayed with countless people who have been set free from all manner of illnesses. God will do it for you as well. Jesus is the answer, God’s weapons are mighty and they are always available.
Truly; the only way to exceptional emotional and physical health, and wellness, is to spend time each day with the Great Physician, Jesus Christ!
If you have any questions or comments about this or any other Wellness Gospel article, please feel free to send an email to I would love to hear from you.
If you believe God knows what is best for us, join us and the Wellness Gospel team and spread the word, share this with your friends on social media and may God bless you richly.
If you want to keep improving your health and enjoy this kind of biblical, scientific information, then I would like to recommend three must-read books. Simply click on the title for purchase information.
Autism has become an epidemic, it is moving so fast it is hard to keep up with the new numbers.
According to a new report released by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. One in 68 U.S. children has autism. One in 54 boys has it. This is a 30% increase from 1 in 88 two years ago. Autism rates now 1 in 68 U.S. children: CDC – [1]
Autism, what is it?
Autism refers to a broad range of conditions characterized by challenges with social skills, repetitive behaviors, speech and nonverbal communication.
What are the symptoms of autism?
It is characterized by social-interaction difficulties, communication challenges and a tendency to engage in repetitive behaviors.
Common traits
Children often don’t respond to their name.
They don’t normally point at objects or things of interest.
Playing “pretend” games, is virtually impossible.
They avoid eye contact
People with autism die 30 years younger on average than their peers. [3]
The national organization that receives millions of dollars each year to fight autism, “Autism Speaks” says that genetics plays a huge role in autism.
“It’s noteworthy that we’re still finding new autism genes, let alone 18 of them, after a decade of intense focus,” says study co-author Mathew Pletcher, Ph.D., Autism Speaks’ vice president for genomic discovery. “With each new gene discovery, we’re able to explain more cases of autism, each with its own set of behavioral effects and many with associated medical concerns.” [2]
How can you make sure that your children and your friend’s children are not a part of the epidemic, if it is genetically driven?
God said, “My people perish for lack of knowledge.” He did not say, “My people perish because I (God) gave them the wrong genetic makeup.” Even if you don’t believe in the God of Creation, the theory of evolution requires millions of years for genetic change. These people are trying to get us to believe that the genetic makeup of an entire country has changed if half a century. No, that is ridiculous and completely unscientific, autism is a cause and effect disease. There are things that increase your risk and things that reduce your risk, So what are those things?
The people of God are getting sick just like everyone else, but should they?
Hosea 4:6 “my people are destroyed from lack of knowledge. “Because you have rejected knowledge, I also reject you as my priests; because you have ignored the law of your God, I also will ignore your children.”
God has promised to keep us and our children free from disease, giving us a full lifespan. He promises this, if we will just listen to what he says, pay attention to his laws and treat his word as divine truth.
Exodus 23:22, 25-26
22 If you listen carefully to what he says and do all that I say, 25 Worship the Lord your God, and his blessing will be on your food and water. I will take away sickness from among you, 26 and none will miscarry or be barren in your land. I will give you a full life span.
At some level every Christian must come to grips with this passage!
Either the word of God is true or it is not, either God will remove all sickness from us or he won’t, either God will give us a full lifespan or he won’t. For any real believer, it is not a matter of whether God will keep his promise, it is whether we have rejected His knowledge. Whether we have listened to him and done what he has said to do. Jesus warned people who are hearers of the word but not doers. He said they are like a house built on sand, when the storms of life come, they collapse. People who are doers of the Word are like a house built on rock. When the storms of life come (epidemics), they stand secure.
Autism Speaks wants you to believe that it is a result of your genetic makeup, God says that it is a result of what you have done. They want you to donate to their cause, so they can do more research. God says to simply, “read My word, do what I say, and you will not be in danger of having a child with autism. Or as we will demonstrate, if you have autism, you could be healed of it by simply following God’s advice.
A new study says that inducing labor can cause babies to be born with autism.
According to new research inducing labor or speeding up labor with drugs can increase the chances of your baby having autism by 35%. The Bible says there is a time to be born (Ecclesiastes). Evidently, when we try to change the time to fit into our schedule or the doctor’s schedule, it can increase the chances of having a child with autism. When we use drugs to speed up birth, it increases our baby’s chances of autism. The Bible is emphatic about the disastrous effects of drug use. (See Wellness Gospel blogs concerning Doctors and Drugs.)
Eating refined foods causes diabetes and evidently causes autism in children born to mothers who eat refined foods.
Doctor Wallach says that he can cure autism in two weeks by simply removing refined foods like sugar and white flour, and feeding autistic children eggs and certain trace minerals.
The Bible says not to eat refined foods, it says you might as well cut your throat with a knife. (Proverbs 23:1-3) Diabetes and autism are caused by refined foods.
Check out these videos for more information:
Wallach on Autism
Evidently exposure to sunlight can greatly reduce your child’s chances of being autistic.
A new study shows a 200% increase in the disease, if your baby is born in the darkest months. This is probably due to a lack of vitamin D, which your body produces when exposed to sunlight. Vitamin D can also be assimilated by eating fish or taking fish oil. The Bible says that fish with fins and scales are very good food. (Leviticus 11:9)
This is an epidemic that you and your loved ones do not have to participate in. So far, no one following our Biblical guidelines has ever had a child with autism. God has promised you a disease-free life and a full lifespan. Simply listening to God and doing what he says is the safest life plan you can pursue. Everything you need is found in God’s word and in his son. Jesus said “I am the way, the truth and the life”, “the enemy comes only to kill, steal and destroy, I have come that you may have life and have it abundantly” (John 10:10)
Truly; the only way to exceptional emotional and physical health and wellness, is to spend time each day with the great physician, Jesus Christ!
If you have any questions or comments about this or any other Wellness Gospel article, please feel free to send an email to I would love to hear from you.
If you believe God knows what is best for us, join us and the Wellness Gospel team and spread the word, share this with your friends on social media and may God bless you richly.
If you want to keep improving your health and enjoy this kind of Biblical, scientific information, then I would like to recommend three must-read books:
“God’s Guide to Biblical Health and Healing” by Rev. Chris and Shary Schauermann
“Let’s Play Doctor” by Dr. Joel Wallach
“None of These Diseases” by S.I. McMillen, M.D. and David E. Stern, M. D
You can get all these books at or simply click on the URL next to each book title.
The effects of Michelle Obama’s “Healthy, Hunger-Free Food Act of 2010”
A close friend of mine works at a local public school. That school is mandated by the “Healthy, Hunger-Free Food Act of 2010” to restrict salt in the school lunches. He contacted me after he read my last blog. He said that it was unbelievable how much food the kids are throwing into the garbage cans each day. Evidently the elimination of salt has made the food so bland and tasteless that the kids would rather not eat, than consume the “healthier” food. So, if the kids won’t eat the food, how is that solving the hunger problem? And, are they healthier if they do not eat salt?
Michelle Obama led the fight against junk food in schools and helped pass the 2010 law. Now, Donald Trump appointees are working to remove those restrictions and are being heavily criticized for it. Both sides are claiming the scientific/nutritional high ground, but who is right?
What, they’re letting you have salt again!
Mrs. Obama means well, and I applaud her desire for the children of our country to eat better, it is a great need. She advocates for whole grain bread instead of white bread and I heartily agree. She wants to lower the amount of sugar the kids consume and I say, yes and Amen! But when Michelle is advocating for the lowering of salt intake, she is simply following the advice of mainstream medical and nutritional “experts”. Unfortunately, most of those experts do not have a Biblical world view, and it does make a difference.
A Biblical world view makes a difference in how you see the world.
Everyone has some kind of a world view. Most scientist have understandably chosen a “science is king” world view and it has been to their detriment, and now it is to the detriment of our children. Why? Because they are mandating a nutritional standard that is not only opposed to what God has said, but dangerous!
Last week we talked about saturated fats and how the idea that we should avoid saturated fats has been completely debunked. How that philosophy was born in a lie and has shortened the lives of thousands, if not millions of people who followed that advice.
This week I want to focus on salt. Salt enhances or brings out the flavor in almost all food. It also is a necessary nutrient; we will die if our body salt content gets too low.
What has been the initial effect of the 2010 law that lowered salt intake for our school children?
The School Nutrition Association, estimates that about 1 million fewer students participated in the school lunch program last year — in part due to the new 2010 requirements. “Forcing students to take a food they don’t want on their tray has led to increased program costs, plate waste, and a decline in student participation,” 1 Schools were told to cut the salt in foods they sell, even in campus vending machines. [2]
Students are throwing away record amounts of food or avoiding school lunches altogether.
What are reputable sources saying about salt?
According to the American Heart Association, excess sodium (salt) in our diets causes (stroke, high blood pressure, osteoporosis, stomach cancer, kidney disease, kidney stones, enlarged heart and headaches) They also claim that excess sodium causes (puffiness, bloating and weight gain [4] Wow who would want to expose their kids to those risks? That puts salt (sodium) in the category of junk food or worse, a poison. (It should be noted that the American Heart Association can’t seem to make up it’s collective mind. It has made statements that are exactly opposite of those above. See the full article about salt from last year.
Is salt (sodium) an evil chemical to be avoided like the plague or is it an essential nutrient that we need to consume in order to thrive and survive? With experts on both sides of the issue, who are you to believe? It is interesting that whenever “experts” want to restrict salt they call it sodium. It is kind of like calling a baby a fetus instead of a baby, so it is easier to abort it. If we call it sodium, it makes it easier to restrict.
What does the Bible say about salt?
The Bible tells us that Moses, Aaron and Levi were all priests before God. Moses lived to be 120, Aaron lived to be 123 and Levi lived to be 137. According to…
Deuteronomy 34:7,“Moses was a hundred and twenty years old when he died, yet his eyes were not weak nor his strength gone.”
What did Moses, Aaron and Levi have in common? They were all priests, consequently, they all consumed lots of salt. Why? Because God had commanded that all the meat and grain they consumed (the offerings) be thoroughly salted.
Leviticus 2:13“Add salt to all your offerings”
Mark 9:50 “Salt is good.”
“You are the salt of the earth, but if salt has lost its taste (its strength, its quality), how can its saltness be restored? It is not good for anything any longer but to be thrown out and trodden underfoot by men.”
Matthew 5:13
Salt makes food taste better.
Every chef knows that food without salt is bland, salt enhances the flavor of all foods. That is why virtually every dinner table in the world has a salt dispenser of some sort. That being said, everyone has a different idea of how much salt in their food makes the food taste best. If my wife Shary, put as much salt on her food as I put on mine, she would gag. I always put more salt on my food. Why? Probably because I sweat a lot more than Shary does.
Lost salt, must be replaced, if it isn’t, strength is lost and sometimes life itself!
When you sweat, you sweat out salt. That is why athletes drink Gatorade, (a heavily salted drink), it replaces the salt they have lost though sweating. God designed our taste buds to respond to nutritional needs. When we need more salt, we crave salty food. When we need less, we are repulsed by the salty taste. Salt is a necessary nutrient and your body has a mechanism designed to regulate it. That is why it is a dangerous practice to restrict salt.
There were only 5 player deaths in America 1931-1959 from heat, that amounted to only .18 deaths per year. Since we have been restricting salt, there were 103 player deaths in America from 1960-2000, that is 2.57 per year. Since we started restricting salt, player deaths has gone up a whopping 1400%. Similar statistics are found when we look at the population as a whole. It has become routine practice for hospitals to immediately start a salt water IV. Why? Because we aren’t getting enough salt!
My mother is in her nineties, she lives in a nursing home that feeds her typical food service fair. In the last year, we have had to take her to the emergency room twice. Each time she complained of excruciating pain all over her body. Each time we have taken her to the emergency room they give her a salt IV and she immediately recovered with all the pain gone.
Sweating Iron man runners who take salt pills finish 26 minutes faster! Notice he is not even touching the ground!
What is the latest research telling us about salt?
In an article found in US News and World report [4] by K. Aleisha Fetters. She sites new research published in the Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports. They found that salt filled energy bars, drinks, and gels are not enough to sustain people’s need for salt.
“For the study, scientists from the Exercise Physiology Laboratory at the Camilo José Cela University in Spain studied 26 athletes competing in a Half Ironman – which consists of 1.2 miles of swimming, 56 miles of cycling and 13.1 miles of running.
During the race, half of the triathletes drank their regular sports drinks along with 12 salt capsules divided into three doses, while the rest drank their regular sports drinks and took 12 placebo capsules.
On average, those who consumed the extra salt ended the competition 26 minutes before those who stuck to sports drinks.”
“Sodium, for all the bad press it gets, is critical both to performance and staying healthy during particularly sweaty workouts. “When sodium levels get too low, total body water drops and blood volume drops, which leads to fatigue and performance declines,” says board-certified sports dietitian and certified strength and conditioning coach Marie Spano. “An athlete may experience muscle cramps, decreases in strength, and hyponatremia – dangerously low blood-sodium levels, which leads to edema, headache, confusion and can cause brain swelling and death.”
In a study, published in the August 2011 issue of the American Journal of Hypertension, 6,250 Patients were sampled. They concluded that there was no strong evidence that cutting salt intake reduces the risk of heart attacks, strokes or death. Actually they did find that the risk of heart disease was 56% higher for people who restricted salt intake as compared to the people with the highest salt consumption. The less salt you consume the more likely you are to die from heart disease. “You might as well salt your food to taste. It is a meaningless exercise (a low sodium diet). Don’t get paranoid about salt. It has nothing to do with blood pressure problems. There has never been a single iota of proof that restriction of salt has any benefit.” [5]
So who are you going to believe, when it comes to the health of your children?
Once again well-meaning people like Michelle Obama have listened to non-Christian scientists, and put our children in danger. Let me explain why there is a huge difference between Christian scientists and non-Christian scientists.
Non Christian scientist are more motivated to pay their mortgages and feed their families than please a God who sees all and will judge us when we die. Christian Scientist trust God to take care of their needs even when telling the truth may not please the person who writes their checks.
Christian scientist also have a book written by the creator of the earth. They can compare their research to what God has said and save a lot of time following dead end research.
Millions of people die each year because they lack Biblical knowledge. Knowledge about the care and feeding of their physical bodies!
Hosea 4:6 “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.Because you have rejected knowledge, I also will reject you from being My priest Since you have forgotten the law of your God, I also will forget your children.”
The Idea, that to be a Christian is to be unscientific, or opposed to scientific knowledge, is not only incorrect, but is just the opposite of the truth. It would be like saying that Martin Luther King was a racist. Or that Einstein was opposed to math and physics.
The Word of God is not in opposition to the world of God.
Jesus, the creator, is referred to as “the Word”. In John chapter one, the Bible states that all wisdom and knowledge are found in Jesus Christ.
Colossians 2:3 “in him (Christ) are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.”
To love and know Jesus is to love knowledge because he is the author of it.
Why is this important to health and wellness?
Because millions of people believe that the God of the Bible is mostly concerned with our souls and is not really that concerned about our physical bodies. Millions do not believe that the Bible has any valuable information concerning the care and feeding of their bodies. Many people also believe there is no difference between God fearing scientist and those who reject the idea of a creator and ultimate judge of mankind. Many people think that to be Christian is to be unscientific and this could not be farther from the truth.
Some of the greatest scientific minds that ever lived, were children of God.
Solomon, Louis IV of France, Isaac Newton, Raymond Vahan Damadian, and Joel Wallach are all men who loved God, were guided by the scriptures and who investigated the nature of things. Below is another great Christian, scientific mind that helped change our world for the better.
In conclusion
Our schools need to return to biblical training and biblical/scientific eating. We need to promote and encourage God-fearing doctors and scientists who are more concerned about pleasing God and helping people than they are about furthering their careers. The greatest minds that ever lived, were guided by God and by his word. That is why we bring this information to you each week. Information from the word of God and from honest scientists that love God and love people.
Truly; the only way to exceptional emotional and physical health and wellness, is to spend time each day with the Great Physician, Jesus Christ!
If you have any questions or comments about this or any other Wellness Gospel article, please feel free to send an email to I would love to hear from you.
If you believe God knows what is best for us, join us and the Wellness Gospel team and spread the word, share this with your friends on social media and may God bless you richly.
If you want to keep improving your health and enjoy this kind of biblical, scientific information, then I would like to recommend three must-read books.
“God’s Guide to Biblical Health and Healing” by Rev. Chris and Shary Schauermann
“Let’s Play Doctor” by Dr. Joel Wallach
“None of These Diseases” by S.I. McMillen, M.D. and David E. Stern, M. D.
You can get all these books at or simply click on the URL next to each book title.
In the fight over what to feed our kids at school, who’s science are you going to believe, Obama’s or Trump’s?
Some science says we need less salt and saturated fats and other science say we need more, who is right?
LEESBURG, Va., May 1, 2017 – New USDA science is putting a hold on regulations in the National School Lunch Program that was scheduled to require less and less salt, and not allow whole milk in school cafeterias.
In making the announcement, at Catoctin Elementary School in Leesburg, Virginia,
The “Healthy, Hunger-Free Food Act of 2010”, the Obama administration enacted nutrition standards for more than 97,000 public school cafeterias that serve nearly 30,000,000 students. They began to replace whole milk with skim milk, they also required less and less salt in the student’s lunches.
The agriculture secretary appointed by president Trump, Sonny Perdue, eats lunch with kids from Leesburg.
What was the result of Michelle Obama’s lowered salt and fat intake?
Schools began to complain that the students were not eating the lunches but instead throwing them away. Schools are now asking lawmakers for a waiver that allows them to add more salt to the food. Michelle Obama fired back in a May New York Times Op ed piece, “Lawmakers are trying to lower the standards” [2] The Agriculture Secretary appointed by president Trump, Sonny Perdue, said the USDA will lift restrictions to allow schools to serve milk with increased fat, rather than the non-fat milk that was required under the Obama law.
Perdue stressed that he was not rolling back any provisions of the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act (HHFKA) that was enacted in 2010. “We’re not winding back any nutritional standards at all,” he said. “We’re giving these … food-service professionals the flexibility to move as we get a healthier generation,”[1]
Who are you going to believe, when it comes to the health of your children?
Once again well-meaning people like Michelle Obama have listened to non-Christian scientists, and put our children in danger. Let me explain why there is a huge difference between Christian scientists and non-Christian scientists.
Millions of people die each year because they lack Biblical knowledge. Knowledge about the care and feeding of their physical bodies!
Hosea 4:6 “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.Because you have rejected knowledge, I also will reject you from being My priest Since you have forgotten the law of your God, I also will forget your children.”
The idea, that to be a Christian is to be unscientific, or opposed to scientific knowledge, is not only incorrect, but is just the opposite of the truth. It would be like saying that Martin Luther King was a racist. Or that Einstein was opposed to math and physics.
The Word of God is not in opposition to the world of God.
Jesus, the creator, is referred to as, “the Word”. In John chapter one, the Bible states that all wisdom and knowledge are found in Jesus Christ.
Colossians 2:3 “in him (Christ) are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.”
To love and know Jesus is to love knowledge, because he is the author of it.
Why is this important to health and wellness?
Because millions of people believe that the God of the Bible is mostly concerned with our souls and is not really that concerned about our physical bodies. Millions do not believe that the bible has any valuable information concerning the care and feeding of their bodies. Many people also believe there is no difference between God fearing scientist and those who reject the idea of a creator and ultimate judge of mankind.
So, is there any Biblical justificationfor the study of science and specifically health and wellness?
Proverbs 25:2 , “It is the glory of God to cover a matter, but the glory of kings is to search them out”
Revelation 1:5b-6a “To him who loves usand has freed us from our sins by his blood,6 and has made us to be a kings and priests”
When we are born again, (John chapter 3) we become children of God and Kings. God has given us a glorious job of searching out mysteries, looking at his creation to discover it’s secrets.
Christians and Jews believe God created laws; moral laws, health laws and laws of science.
We believe that those laws do not change, but are constant.
We believe that God meant for us to study those laws and use them for the benefit of mankind.
Christians believe that God created a universe with laws. These laws cannot be broken without consequences. The only exception, is in very rare cases, where God chooses to suspend his own laws for a specific purpose; we call that a miracle. For thousands of years, other religious groups have held to the belief that there are no laws that govern the universe. They believe that the physical universe is unpredictable. They believe that the universe is constantly changing. Therefore, in the past they did not pursue science like the Christian-Judeo cultures. They believed it would be useless since everything could change tomorrow.
Consequently, most scientific studies started with Jews or Christians.
Almost all the laws of science and physics were discovered by Christians. Most of the laws of genetics, health and wellness were discovered by Christians.
The elephant in the room?
The problem we now have, is that our schools believe they can educate scientists without any reference to God or a higher power. They believe that this will produce better science, when in fact, it has produced just the opposite. People who believe in a creator, a final judge of mankind, are less likely to lie for temporary personal gain. People who believe in situational ethics and no God, have proved to be far more likely to cheat in order to further their careers.
This Godless education system has brought about an epidemic of false or fake science. Scientists will lie about their findings in order to get recognition, fame or fortune. A classic case was the two physicists who said they had produced cold fusion in a quart jar. [3]
Recently in the news was the shocking revelation that the nutritionist, Ancel Keys, lied. He is the nutritionist that convinced a generation of Americans, and the world, to eat margarine instead of butter, to drink skim milk instead of whole milk and to avoid all saturated fats. It is his research that has led the Obama’s to push for less saturated fat in school cafeterias.
It has been revealed that he hid conflicting data in order to mislead the public. [6][4][7] Check out these short videos, to find out why millions of people who took his unbiblical advice are sick or have died young.
Harvard Medical School did a twenty-year study to determine if Ancel Keys was right. The study was entitled “The Harvard Nurse’s Health Study” and was published in January 1993. It was conducted with 90,000 nurses, half used butter and the other half used margarine. After 20 years, it was discovered that the nurses using margarine had 75% more heart attacks than the nurses who used butter. The nurses using margarine also had a higher rate of cancer and Alzheimer’s. [5]
Since 1993, scientists, nutritionists and doctors have known that restricting saturated fats in butter and whole milk is dangerous, but they continue to promote this idea today.
God says that people have rejected knowledge and have forgotten the law of God. He also said it is causing them to parish. The Word of God and the law of God say that butter, whole milk, salt, and red meat are good. True science is in agreement with God’s word.
Some of the greatest scientific minds that ever lived, were children of God.
To name a few, Solomon, Louis IV of France, Isaac Newton, Raymond Vahan Damadian, and Joel Wallach. These men all loved God, were guided by the scriptures and investigated the nature of things.
King Solomon was given wisdom from God to understand nature and use that understanding for the good of mankind.
1 Kings 4:29,30-34a 29 God gave Solomon wisdom and very great insight, and a breadth of understanding as measureless as the sand on the seashore. 30 Solomon’s wisdom was greater than the wisdom of all the people of the East, and greater than all the wisdom of Egypt. 32 He spoke three thousand proverbs and his songs numbered a thousand and five. 33 He spoke about plant life, from the cedars of Lebanon to the hyssop that grows out of walls. He also spoke about animals and birds, reptiles and fish.34 From all nations people came to listen to Solomon’s wisdom”.
King Louis the IV
King Louis the IV of France was noted for studying the scriptures. He became a shining light in the area of law and politics. He invented many legal terms we take for granted today. He was the first to say that all men should be equal under the law. He invented the phase “innocent until proven guilty”. He was the first to give people the right to appeal to another judge, when they felt they had not gotten a fair trial under their first judge.
Sir Isaac Newton
Sir Isaac Newton has been widely lauded as the most important scientist in history. Even Albert Einstein said that Isaac Newton was the smartest person that ever lived. [1][2] Newton discovered laws of physics, astronomy and drastically improved the field of mathematics. Newton said that he spent far more time studying the Bible than science. Isaac Newton was so smart and so advanced in mathematics, that many college students jokingly resent his discovery of calculus.
Raymond Vahan Damadian
Raymond Vahan Damadian is the man who invented the MRI, one of the most important scientific discoveries of our century. He is a devoted Christian who believes the Bible, including the Biblical/Scientific teachings about a young earth. He tells stories about scientists and doctors who were mad at him for discovering the MRI. They were mad because it was going to hurt them financially. One doctor angrily asked, “if people use your MRI and are diagnosed early enough to avoid chemotherapy, how will I pay for my kids college”? That story tells it all, we need Godly men who are more concerned about pleasing God and trust him to provide for their needs and the needs of their families.
Dr. Joel Wallach
Dr. Joel Wallach has been twice nominated for the Nobel prize in medicine. At the age of 9 he felt God had given him a destiny that would help millions of people. He has discovered, through extensive research, that most diseases are caused by vitamin and mineral deficiencies. He has also cataloged most diseases and what vitamin and minerals are necessary to reverse their effects. Dr. Wallach has produced countless books, tapes, videos and peer reviewed medical papers. [3] We have been listening to and reading Dr. Wallach for almost 40 years; I cannot remember him ever stating anything that contradicts the Bible. Almost all other nutritionist that we have read or listened to will consistently make statements about health and wellness that are in direct opposition to Bible teachings, i.e. (red meat is bad, milk is bad, salt is bad)
In conclusion
Our schools need to return to Biblical training and Biblical/scientific eating. We need to promote and encourage God fearing doctors and scientists who are more concerned about pleasing God and helping people than they are about furthering their careers. The greatest minds that ever lived were guided by God and by his word. That is why we bring this information to you each week. Information from the word of God and from honest scientists that love God and love people.
Truly; the only way to exceptional emotional and physical health and wellness, is to spend time each day with the Great Physician, Jesus Christ!
If you have any questions or comments about this or any other Wellness Gospel article, please feel free to send an email to I would love to hear from you.
If you believe God knows what is best for us, join us and the Wellness Gospel team and spread the word, share this with your friends on social media and may God bless you richly.
If you want to keep improving your health and enjoy this kind of Biblical, scientific information, then I would like to recommend three must-read books.
“God’s Guide to Biblical Health and Healing” by Rev. Chris and Shary Schauermann