I did it!

Well I did it, I entered the Oregon Senior Games!
I decided to see if following God’s principles for health really makes a difference in strength and longevity. When I go to the store I see all these people my age hobbling to and from their cars. They look like every step hurts. Maybe it’s their feet, or knees maybe it is their hips and back. I feeI sorry for them, I really think that if they knew what I know they could feel young again. I feel great, like I did In high school. But the question; is that really unusual?
Maybe there are a lot of people my age that feel this good.
So I decided to see if following God’s advice has made me unusually healthy. I decided to compete in the 2017 Oregon Senior games, to see how I compared with some of the fittest seniors in Oregon. The track meet was held in Bend Oregon, which was enough to get my wife on board, she loves the weather there. I competed in three events, the fifty meter dash, the 100 meter dash and the shot put. The only thing I actually practiced at was the shot put. I practiced four times! I hadn’t sprinted for anything in over a year; hey when you are 65 there just aren’t that many reasons to sprint.
When I got to the Senior Games!
When I got to the Senior Games, I found out that most of the people who were competing actually worked out, training for their events and they had personal trainers to boot. They also had track shoes and used starting blocks. I hoped they didn’t notice my 10 year old tennis shoes I had used while painting my house. The other guys had track shorts and shirts. Are they really that much lighter than regular shorts? I thought I look my best in a cotton “Jesus is” T-shirt I got for free at church.
Right before a race, noticed I was one of the only sprinters without sun glasses. I don’t even own a pair of sun glasses, and how does that make you faster? The guys in the shot put were dressed more like me but the two guys who beat me (by a foot) were over three hundred pounds and had arms as big as my legs. Obviously, I have a lot to learn about senior track and field sports.
Most of the contestants used to be really exceptional athletes.
Most of the contestants at the senior games, were old people who used to be great athletes. One guy I talked to had been a professional soccer player. Most of the contestants looked like they were falling apart. A 64 year old, who the other guys said was super-fast, his name was Steve, told me he had four braces on to hold himself together. He had an ankle brace, a back brace and two knee braces. Steve said the reason he didn’t have five braces was because the rules only allow four.
Steve asked me if I was fast and hoped I wasn’t in his bracket, because he thought I looked fast. I told him I never was fast; in college the lineman on the football team could beat me in the fifty-yard dash. I told him my only hope of winning was that all the fast guys my age had fallen apart by now.
My only hope, was that all the fast guys had fallen apart by now!
Of all the participants I saw at the Senior Games, there were two other men that were physical standouts. That is, they looked healthy. One guy Stephan was 69 and didn’t look a day over 50. He wasn’t taped together, he shared with me that he was a Christian who believed in following God’s principals. Stephan took vitamins and minerals and exercised regularly. He told me he was born with a disease that should have taken his life at an early age, but his parents got him to exercise and eat good food. He said that was his only explanation for why he looked so young.
So back to my performance!
I entered three events and got two silvers medals in the sprints and a bronze in the shot put. The best part was that I had a great time interviewing the other contestants. It was probably the best education I have received in a long time.
77 year old Russ Colgan beats everyone by a mile at the Senior Games. (figuratively)
The other guy who looked healthy and had no braces was a retired Chiropractor named Russ Colgan. Russ beat everyone in every race he entered. The most impressive race he ran was the 200 meters. He didn’t just beat the other contestants in his age group, 75-80, he crushed them.
Russ not only beat the guys his age but he beat the 50 year old studs by a good 5 meters. That event is a killer, you have to sprint the entire way and your body never gets it’s second wind. Consequently, you are running on only the oxygen stored in your muscles. Russ killed all the other competitors.
What is Senior Games phenom, Russ’s secret?
I sat down with Russ after the meet was over and got to have a good interview. He made reference to the Bible and his eating habits, but he also said that he believed his unusual success came from putting into practice the theories of Otto Warburg.
So who was Otto Warburg?
Otto Warburg was born in 1883 to a Jewish father and a protestant mother. His father eventually accepted Jesus and became a Christian. Otto’s family and Albert Einstein’s family were close friends. Otto and Albert became life long friends. He joined the military and was awarded the iron cross but his friend Albert successfully persuaded him to leave the military and get back to his profession as a doctor.
Einstein felt that Otto’s real gift to mankind was to do medical research. He turned out to be right, Otto was nominated for the Nobel prize in medicine, 47 times, and finally received the award for his work with cancer treatments.
Otto boiled his theory down to one statement,
“the prime cause of cancer is the replacement of the respiration of oxygen in normal body cells by a fermentation of sugar. “[7]
According to the Phenom senior athlete, Russ Colgan, changing your body Ph and getting more oxygen into your cells isn’t just for cancer. According to Russ it is the most important factor in aging, immune systems and healthfulness. He said that there are medical clinics that can test you for these factors and it only costs about 20 dollars. He also highly recommend getting an Ionizer machine, which changes the ph of water to more alkaline state.
So what foods lower your oxygen levels and get your pH level below 7?
These are acidic foods to avoid!
- processed foods.
- sodas and other sweetened beverages.
- Alcohol
- Coffee & Black Tea
- Fruit Juice (sweetened)
- Cocoa
- Mustard
- Vinegar
- Yeast
- Pork
- Shellfish
- Artificial Sweeteners
Foods that you should eat that will raise your pH above 7!
Foods that will improve your immune system and destroy cancer cells.
- pH 9.5 Water (water produced by an ionizer)
- Green Drinks
- Himalayan Salt
- Regular Salt
- Avocado
- Broccoli
- Cabbage
- Celery
- Cucumber
- Garlic
- Grasses (alfalfa, kamut, straw, shave, wheatgrass, etc.)
- Kale
- Parsley
- Sprouts (alfalfa, bean, pea, soy, etc.)
- Spinach
- Tomato
Our philosophy is that God knows best what we should eat and not eat. Our bodies are so complicated that interactions of different foods can make changes that we are unaware of. So, we will try things that seem to be working for people but if what they are advocating is at odds with the scriptures we will default back to what God said. Consequently we have not put the foods God has recommended in the foods to avoid category, even if they are considered to be acidic. Red meat is one of those foods. It is interesting to note that many of the foods in the acidic category are foods God has forbidden us to eat.
I Hope this weeks blog has been helpful, it just may be the secret to help you get to your most healthy you! God bless and have a great week.
If you have any questions or comments about this or any other Wellness Gospel article, please feel free to send an email to chrisschauermann@gmail.com. I would love to hear from you.
If you believe God knows what is best for us, join us and the Wellness Gospel team and spread the word, share this with your friends on social media and may God bless you richly.
To keep improving your health, and enjoy this kind of biblical, scientific information, then I would like to recommend three must-read books and the link to Youngevity a wellness company founded by Dr. Joel Wallach. Simply click on the titles below for purchase information.
- “God’s Guide to Biblical Health and Healing” by Rev. Chris and Shary Schauermann
- “Let’s Play Doctor” by Dr. Joel Wallach
- “None of These Diseases” by S.I. McMillen, M.D. and David E. Stern, M. D.
- “Youngevity website by Dr. Joel wallach