Tried everything, still sick, maybe it’s spiritual?

Spiritual warfare, sin, sickness, disease, fear, confession, Bible, name of Jesus, armor of God

Not all disease and pain can be fixed by medicine or nutrition. The source of your problem may be spiritual!

Often people spend all their time and money pursuing a physical answer to a spiritual problem.

Spiritual warfare, sin, sickness, disease, fear, confession, pruning, Bible,
When everything else has failed; Jesus can you help me?

She had suffered a great deal under the care of many doctors and had spent all she had, yet instead of getting better she grew worse.

Mark 5:23

A woman who had been subject to bleeding for twelve years. She had spent all her money on physicians, but no one was able to heal her.                                                                                                      Luke 8:43

In both of the preceding passages, Jesus healed these women who had run out of medical options.

When you have spent thousands on doctors and drugs, and gotten worse. Then you bought every nutritional supplement known to man and are no better. You followed the advice of friends who told you to stop eating foods with chemicals, gluten, sugar, saturated fats, dairy, etc. Now you are starving and still sick as a dog.

You may not have a physical problem, you may have a spiritual problem.  

A good example is of this was when one of our girls was 7, a babysitter exposed her to the movie “It.” The “monster” in this movie disguises himself as a clown. I am told, the monster lived in the sewers and would come out of toilets to get people. This movie was written by Stephen King  and was designed to scare the heck out of people. The problem with movies like this is they can do just the opposite.  They scare something into people and it is not good!

Spiritual warfare, sin, sickness, disease, fear, confession, pruning, Bible,

It wasn’t her fault!

Our daughter didn’t want to watch the movie, but  the house was dark and she was afraid to go to another place in the house alone. While watching the movie, she was overcome with fear. She understandably believed the lie, that this monster was real and was going to get her. The Bible says,  “the devil is a liar and he is the father of lies.” The devil uses lies in order to accomplish his goals.

After watching this movie our daughter could hardly sleep, and when she was able to sleep, she had to have the lights on. She was afraid to go to the bathroom; fear ruled her life. Even though it was not her fault, she was exposed to this horrible movie, it had a spiritual effect on her. The devil  never  plays fair.

Lying spirits bring disease.

The spirit of fear that gripped our daughter brought with it the most severe case of shingles I have ever heard of.  She broke out with painful fluid filled blisters, they completely covered her stomach and looked like fish scales. We tried everything to get rid of the shingles but in the end it was prayer that did it.

Are you dealing with fear or do you have a physical ailment that won’t go away?  It may be  time to seek the Lord and do some spiritual warfare.

“Be self-controlled and alert. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.”

1 Peter 5:8

“Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground”

Ephesians 6:10-13a

Notice, it’s not our armor, it’s God’s full armor!

It’s not our power; it’s God’s mighty power!

In every case, Jesus is  the answer.

For though we live in the world, we do not wage war as the world does. The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds.We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.

2 Corinthians 10:3-5

What our daughter needed was to take some thoughts captive, but we need God’s weapons to do that!

So what are those weapons?

  1. The Name of Jesus is the most powerful weapon. Simply call on the name of the Lord.
  2. The Word of God. Take thoughts captive, and command those thoughts that are opposed to God’s Word to leave! Every time one of those lies comes to your mind, quote God’s word that is the truth. For instance, “For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.” Find scripture that applies to your situation or thoughts.
  3. Faith. Jesus said that when you are praying and believe what you say, you will get what you are praying for. (Matthew 21:22) You and I must have faith in God.
  4. Confession. James 5: 14-16 tells us to, “confess our sins to each other and pray for each other so that we may be healed.” Often people are healed when they confess their sins. Find someone you trust, and don’t leave anything out, then receive God’s forgiveness. (1 John 1:7-9)

Our daughter was eventually healed. Sometimes spiritual warfare takes time, not every war is won in a moment.  Sometimes you have to battle for an extended period, and if you do not give up, you will prevail.  Our daughter now a mom with 5 very healthy kids.

We have prayed with countless people who have been set free from all manner of illnesses. God will do it for you as well. Jesus is the answer, God’s weapons are mighty and they are always available.

Truly; the only way to exceptional emotional and physical health, and wellness, is to spend time each day with the Great Physician, Jesus Christ!

If you have any questions or comments about this or any other Wellness Gospel article, please feel free to send an email to I would love to hear from you.

If you believe God knows what is best for us, join us and the Wellness Gospel team and spread the word, share this with your friends on social media and may God bless you richly.

If you want to keep improving your health and enjoy this kind of biblical, scientific information, then I would like to recommend three must-read books. Simply click on the title for purchase information.

  1. “God’s Guide to Biblical Health and Healing” by Rev. Chris and Shary Schauermann
  2. “Let’s Play Doctor” by Dr. Joel Wallach
  3. “None of These Diseases” by S.I. McMillen, M.D. and David E. Stern, M. D.


The healing power of forgiveness!

unforgiveness, make you sick


Unforgiveness can make you sick.

I will admit that the story I am about to tell you, about unforgiveness, will sound weird, but if you have ever been on a mission trip to a third world country, or know someone who has, they will tell you that these things do happen.

So here goes; on a mission trip to Baja Mexico, I had the most amazing experience, it is something I will never forget. We were having an outdoor church service at the south end of Ensenada Mexico, about forty feet from highway 1. We were praying for an older man, his son had brought him to the meeting because he had a cancerous tumor bulging from his stomach region, doctors had told him that he was dying. As we were praying for him I had a “holy hunch from God”, so I told him, through an interpreter, that his problem might be related to unforgiveness, and my hunch was that it was a close relative he was angry with. He immediately affirmed that this was true and that I must be referring to his brother who he hated. He explained to us that he and his brother, previously, had a successful business together. His brother had swindled the business away from him. His brother was now wealthy and he was very poor. I told him that I did not blame him for being upset with his brother, but that God requires us to forgive others, because he has forgiven us all our sins. I also said that this could be the reason his body was unable to fight off the cancer. I asked him if he was willing to forgive his brother and he said he was. The interpreter led him in a prayer of forgiveness, when he had finished the prayer we all noticed a most amazing thing; the bulge in his stomach had disappeared. When we asked him how he felt, he said he felt wonderful.

In Matthew 18:15-35 Jesus reveals his Father’s attitude toward unforgiveness and the consequences of not forgiving others. He explains that if we will not forgive our brother from the heart, our Heavenly Father will turn us over to the torturers (tormentors). Many people do not realize what physical destruction they unleash on themselves by withholding forgiveness from people who have hurt them.


Unforgiveness is like drinking poison every day                                         and hoping the other person dies.

As it relates to forgiving others, Jesus set an example for us. While he was hanging on the cross in agony and the Pharisees were hurling insults at him, he said, “forgive them for they don’t know what they are doing.” (Luke 23:34) Jesus not only canceled a debt we could not afford to pay, he also paid our debt with his own life and blood.

Jesus forgave us so we must forgive!

Then the master called the servant in. “You wicked servant”, he said. “I canceled all that debt of yours because you begged me to. Shouldn’t you have had mercy on your fellow servant just as I had on you?” In anger his master turned him over to the jailer to be tortured, until he should pay back all he owed. “This is how my Heavenly Father will treat each of you unless you forgive your brother from your heart.” Matthew 18:32-35

These tormentors are not playing games; they are playing for keeps. The Bible does not say who they are, but we can assume they are supernatural. I believe it is possible that they are the demonic spirits of Cancer, Depression, Rejection, and every other kind of sickness, both physical and mental. Jesus is called the great physician. The Devil and his fallen angels are believed by many, to be just the opposite.

So, how does the bible suggest we deal with people who have sinned against us, who have hurt and wounded us in terrible ways? According to Matthew 18 the first step in forgiveness, if possible, is to confront the person who has sinned against us. As hard as this may be, we are commanded to talk to them alone, without talking to anyone else first. we must privately give the person an opportunity to acknowledge what they did was wrong and ask us to forgive them.


Matthew 18:15 “If your brother sins against you, go and show him his fault, just between the two of you. If he listens to you, you have won your brother over.”

If they won’t listen to you then you may not have won your brother over but you will still need to forgive. Why? So you don’t get trapped into eating the fruit of bitterness, which generally opens your body up to disease. Then you must forgive them as Christ has forgiven you. His words are forever sealed in time…“Father forgive them for they don’t know what they are doing.”  This is not just for them but for you and me as well.

For years I held onto unforgiveness, against a young man who had hit me from behind in a high school fight. Every time I thought about him I felt sick with revenge. I would plot how I would return the favor someday. The funny thing is; I only saw him that one time, but years later he was still knocking me to the ground and humiliating me. My Uncle Ward Graham encouraged me to simply tell God that I forgave the guy and would not hold it against him ever again. That simple prayer set me free, I actually felt better after praying.

What about the emotion of anger?

Paul tells us in Ephesians 4:31 to “Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger”.

According to Consumer Reports, “You may need anger control if:

  1. You easily fly off the handle when criticized.
  2. Being frustrated makes you feel like hitting someone.
  3. You think of yourself as hotheaded.
  4. Being annoyed causes you to say nasty things.

So what effect does unforgiveness and anger have on our health? What happens to us when we give the devil a foothold in our life? According to an article in the July 2008 issue of Consumer Reports,

    Anger will dramatically reduces your ability to heal.

Researchers at Ohio State University gave 98 study participants blisters on an arm and monitored how quickly the wound headed. The subjects, ages 24 to 72, also completed questionnaires that assessed how they expressed and managed anger.

Individuals who managed anger well, healed faster, within four days.
Those who did not control anger well, were four times more likely to take more than four days to heal, which researchers noted increase chances of further compounded infections. According to Ronald Glaser, Ph.D., one of the study’s authors, “One way or another anger will compromise your immune response,”4

The study looked at three ways of dealing with anger

  1. Letting it out.
  2. Holding it in.
  3. Controlling it.

The third way was the only way that worked. God’s way of dealing with anger as found in the bible is the only way to true peace and health. The study also looked at relaxation techniques such as Yoga and Tai Chi. the study found that neither Yoga or Tai Chi had any effect on the patient’s ability to heal.

funny thi chi
I’ll show you some tai chi!

Once again other philosophies and religions fail to produce what they promise. God’s word proves to be the most reliable source of information concerning health and healing.

In another Consumer report issue it was stated that “Negative emotions, such as unforgiveness, anger or stress, trigger the release of hormones that can threaten your heart. And people who experience those emotions, have more heart attacks than calmer, more cheerful types, research suggests. People in rocky relationships, for example, are more prone to heart disease. And those with stressful jobs are more likely to have high blood pressure and, if they return to work too soon after a heart attack, to have a second one. But curbing negative emotions may offer some of the same benefits as a heart-healthy diet and regular exercise”2

When you feel that you have been treated unfairly you get mad. How we handle that anger will affect our health. If you need more help with anger control and forgiveness, an excellent book on forgiveness is The Bait Of Satan by John Bevere. This book does not just give trite and simplistic answers; it outlines a process for defeating unforgiveness, that works, even under the most difficult and hurtful circumstances.

In Ephesians 4:26-27 Paul exhorts us “In your anger do not sin” Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry, and do not give the devil a foothold.” Evidently, unforgiveness and going to bed angry will mess up our sleep, which will lower our body’s ability to fight disease and give the devil a foothold in your life. Also, researchers have found that a lack of sleep can also make us stupid, not to mention give you ulcers.6 There is overwhelming evidence that unforgiveness and anger can cause a number of illnesses and shorten your life. The book None Of These Diseases does a wonderful job on this subject.”

 A step by step guide to eliminate unforgiveness.

I have used this process myself, I have helped others through this process and I can testify that it works.

  1. First make sure you have received God’s Forgiveness for yourself. Read John 1:8-9, then ask God to forgive you and thank him that he has forgiven you. Be specific, make sure you have gotten all your sin forgiven by God. He said he would forgive if you ask him.
  2. Make a list of people or organizations that have hurt you.
  3. Acknowledge that you are displeasing God when you don’t forgive others.
  4. Ask God to give you his love for each of the people and organizations on your list.
  5. Then by faith confess with your mouth out loud and forgive each and every one on your list. Tell God that you will not hold these things against them ever again.
  6. As a final act of completion, destroy the list.


When you have done this the enemy of your soul has no legal right to torment you again, physically or mentally. Now God the healer can bless you and give you  new life.

If you have any questions or comments about this or any other Wellnessgospel article, please feel free to contact me at I would love to hear from you.

If this article has been helpful and if you believe God knows best, join us and the Wellness Gospel team and spread the word, share this with your friends on social media and may God bless you richly.

If you want to keep improving your health and like this kind of biblical, scientific information, then I would like to recommend three must-read books.

  1. “None of These Diseases” by S. I. McMillen, M.D. and David E. Stern, M.D.
  2. “Let’s Play Doctor” by Dr. Joel Wallach
  3. “God’s Guide To Biblical Health and Healing” by Rev. Chris & Shary Schauermann

You can get all these books at


  1. July 2008 issue of Consumer Reports, Anger will dramatically reduces your ability to heal.
  3. The bait of Satan
  4. Anger inhibits healing Ohio State University