Michelle Obama vs Donald Trump and school lunches! Part II

Michelle Obama sitting with school age children eating in a cafeteria. Michelle looking aghast at what the children are eating.

The effects of Michelle Obama’s “Healthy, Hunger-Free Food Act of 2010”

A close friend of mine works at a local public school. That school is mandated by the “Healthy, Hunger-Free Food Act of 2010” to restrict salt in the school lunches. He contacted me after he read my last blog. He said that it was unbelievable how much food the kids are throwing into the garbage cans each day. Evidently the elimination of salt has made the food so bland and tasteless that the kids would rather not eat, than consume the “healthier” food. So, if the kids won’t eat the food, how is that solving the hunger problem? And, are they healthier if they do not eat salt?

Michelle Obama led the fight against junk food in schools and helped pass the 2010 law. Now, Donald Trump appointees are working to remove those restrictions and are being heavily criticized for it. Both sides are claiming the scientific/nutritional high ground, but who is right?

salt, children, nutirician, heart disease, stroke, kidney stones, arthritis, Bible, science, school food, diabetes,
What, they’re letting  you have salt again!

Mrs. Obama means well, and I applaud her desire for the children of our country to eat better, it is a great need. She advocates for whole grain bread instead of white bread and I heartily agree. She wants to lower the amount of sugar the kids consume and I say, yes and Amen! But when Michelle is advocating for the lowering of salt intake, she is simply following the advice of mainstream medical and nutritional “experts”. Unfortunately, most of those experts do not have a Biblical world view, and it does make a difference.

A Biblical world view makes a difference in how you see the world.

Everyone has some kind of a world view. Most scientist have understandably chosen a “science is king” world view and it has been to their detriment, and now it is to the detriment of our children. Why? Because they are mandating a nutritional standard that is not only opposed to what God has said, but dangerous!

Last week we talked about saturated fats and how the idea that we should avoid saturated fats  has been completely debunked. How that philosophy was born in a lie and has shortened the lives of thousands, if not millions of people who followed that advice.

This week I want to focus on salt. Salt enhances or brings out the flavor in almost all food. It also is a necessary nutrient; we will die if our body salt content gets too low.

What has been the initial effect of the 2010 law that lowered salt intake for our school children?

The School Nutrition Association, estimates that about 1 million fewer students participated in the school lunch program last year — in part due to the new 2010 requirements. “Forcing students to take a food they don’t want on their tray has led to increased program costs, plate waste, and a decline in student participation,” 1 Schools were told to cut the salt in foods they sell, even in campus vending machines. [2]

5.May 22nd 1996 edition of the New York Times, the article was abstracted from the Journal of American Medical Association.
Students are throwing away record amounts of food or avoiding school lunches altogether.

What are reputable sources saying about salt?

According to the American Heart Association, excess sodium (salt) in our diets causes (stroke, high blood pressure, osteoporosis, stomach cancer, kidney disease, kidney stones, enlarged heart and headaches) They also claim that excess sodium causes (puffiness, bloating and weight gain [4] Wow who would want to expose their kids to those risks? That puts salt (sodium) in the category of junk food or worse, a poison.  (It should be noted that the American Heart Association can’t seem to make up it’s collective mind. It has made statements that are exactly opposite of those above. See the full article about salt from last year.

5. May 22nd 1996 edition of the New York Times, the article was abstracted from the Journal of American Medical Association.

Is salt (sodium) an evil chemical to be avoided like the plague or is it an essential nutrient that we need to consume in order to thrive and survive? With experts on both sides of the issue, who are you to believe? It is interesting that whenever “experts” want to restrict salt they call it sodium. It is kind of like calling a baby a fetus instead of a baby, so it is easier to abort it. If we call it sodium, it makes it easier to restrict.

What does the Bible say about salt?

The Bible tells us that Moses, Aaron and Levi were all priests before God. Moses lived to be 120, Aaron lived to be 123 and Levi lived to be 137.  According to…

Deuteronomy 34:7, “Moses was a hundred and twenty years old when he died, yet his eyes were not weak nor his strength gone.”

What did Moses, Aaron and Levi have in common? They were all priests, consequently, they all consumed lots of salt. Why? Because God had commanded that all the meat and grain they consumed (the offerings) be thoroughly salted.

Leviticus 2:13 “Add salt to all your offerings”

Mark 9:50  “Salt is good.”

“You are the salt of the earth, but if salt has lost its taste (its strength, its quality), how can its saltness be restored? It is not good for anything any longer but to be thrown out and trodden underfoot by men.”

Matthew 5:13

Salt makes food taste better.

Every chef knows that food without salt is bland, salt enhances the flavor of all foods. That is why virtually every dinner table in the world has a salt dispenser of some sort. That being said, everyone has a different idea of how much salt in their food makes the food taste best. If my wife Shary, put as much salt on her food as I put on mine, she would gag. I always put more salt on my food. Why? Probably because I sweat a lot more than Shary does.

Lost salt, must be replaced, if it isn’t, strength is lost and sometimes life itself!

When you sweat, you sweat out salt. That is why athletes drink Gatorade, (a heavily salted drink), it replaces the salt they have lost though sweating. God designed our taste buds to respond to nutritional needs. When we need more salt, we crave salty food. When we need less, we are repulsed by the salty taste. Salt is a necessary nutrient and your body has a mechanism designed to regulate it. That is why it is a dangerous practice to restrict salt.

There were only 5 player deaths in America 1931-1959 from heat, that amounted to only .18 deaths per year. Since we have been restricting salt, there were 103 player deaths in America from 1960-2000, that is 2.57 per year. Since we started restricting salt, player deaths has gone up a whopping 1400%. Similar statistics are found when we look at the population as a whole. It has become routine practice for hospitals to immediately start a salt water IV. Why? Because we aren’t getting enough salt!

My mother is in her nineties, she lives in a nursing home that feeds her typical food service fair. In the last year, we have had to take her to the emergency room twice. Each time she complained of excruciating pain all over her body.   Each time we have taken her to the emergency room they give her a salt IV and she immediately recovered with all the pain gone.

salt, children, nutiritian, heart disease, stroke, kidney stones, arthritis, Bible, science, school food, diabetes,
Sweating Iron man runners who take salt pills finish 26 minutes faster! Notice he is not even touching the ground!

What is the latest research telling us about salt?

In an article found in US News and World report [4] by K. Aleisha Fetters. She sites  new research published in the Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports. They found that salt filled energy bars, drinks, and gels are not enough to sustain people’s need for salt.

“For the study, scientists from the Exercise Physiology Laboratory at the Camilo José Cela University in Spain studied 26 athletes competing in a Half Ironman – which consists of 1.2 miles of swimming, 56 miles of cycling and 13.1 miles of running.

During the race, half of the triathletes drank their regular sports drinks along with 12 salt capsules divided into three doses, while the rest drank their regular sports drinks and took 12 placebo capsules.

On average, those who consumed the extra salt ended the competition 26 minutes before those who stuck to sports drinks.”

“Sodium, for all the bad press it gets, is critical both to performance and staying healthy during particularly sweaty workouts. “When sodium levels get too low, total body water drops and blood volume drops, which leads to fatigue and performance declines,” says board-certified sports dietitian and certified strength and conditioning coach Marie Spano. “An athlete may experience muscle cramps, decreases in strength, and hyponatremia – dangerously low blood-sodium levels, which leads to edema, headache, confusion and can cause brain swelling and death.”

In a study, published in the August 2011 issue of the American Journal of Hypertension, 6,250 Patients were sampled. They concluded that there was no strong evidence that cutting salt intake reduces the risk of heart attacks, strokes or death. Actually they did find that the risk of heart disease was 56% higher for people who restricted salt intake as compared to the people with the highest salt consumption. The less salt you consume the more likely you are to die from heart disease.  “You might as well salt your food to taste. It is a meaningless exercise (a low sodium diet). Don’t get paranoid about salt. It has nothing to do with blood pressure problemsThere has never been a single iota of proof that restriction of salt has any benefit.” [5]

So who are you going to believe, when it comes to  the health of your children?

Once again well-meaning people like Michelle Obama have listened to non-Christian scientists, and put our children in danger. Let me explain why there is a huge difference between Christian scientists and non-Christian scientists.

Non Christian scientist are more motivated to pay their mortgages and feed their families than please a God who sees all and will judge us when we die. Christian Scientist trust God to take care of their needs even when telling the truth may not please the person who writes their checks.

Christian scientist also have a book written by the creator of the earth. They can compare their research to what God has said and save a lot of time following dead end research.

Millions of people die each year because they lack Biblical knowledge. Knowledge about the care and feeding of their physical bodies!

Hosea 4:6  “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. Because you have rejected knowledge, I also will reject you from being My priest Since you have forgotten the law of your God, I also will forget your children.”

The Idea, that to be a Christian is to be unscientific, or opposed to scientific knowledge, is not only incorrect, but is just the opposite of the truth. It would be like saying that Martin Luther King was a racist. Or that Einstein was opposed to math and physics.

The Word of God is not in opposition to the world of God.

Jesus, the creator,  is referred to as “the Word”. In John chapter one, the Bible states that all wisdom and knowledge are found in Jesus Christ.

Colossians 2:3 “in him (Christ) are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.

To love and know Jesus is to love knowledge because he is the author of it.

Why is this important to health and wellness?

Because millions of people believe that the God of the Bible is mostly concerned with our souls and is not really that concerned about our physical bodies. Millions do not believe that the Bible has any valuable information concerning the care and feeding of their bodies. Many people also believe there is no difference between God fearing scientist and those who reject the idea of a creator and ultimate judge of mankind. Many people think that to be Christian is to be unscientific and this could not be farther from the truth.

Some of the greatest scientific minds that ever lived, were children of God.

Solomon, Louis IV of France, Isaac Newton, Raymond Vahan Damadian, and  Joel Wallach are all men who loved God, were guided by the scriptures and who investigated the nature of things. Below is another great Christian, scientific mind that helped change our world for the better.

salt, children, nutiritian, heart disease, stroke, kidney stones, arthritis, Bible, science, school food, diabetes,


In conclusion

Our schools need to return to biblical training and biblical/scientific eating. We need to promote and encourage God-fearing doctors and scientists who are more concerned about pleasing God and helping people than they are about furthering their careers. The greatest minds that ever lived, were guided by God and by his word. That is why we bring this information to you each week. Information from the word of God and from honest scientists that love God and love people.

Truly; the only way to exceptional emotional and physical health and wellness, is to spend time each day with the Great Physician, Jesus Christ!

 If you have any questions or comments about this or any other Wellness Gospel article, please feel free to send an email to chrisschauermann@gmail.com. I would love to hear from you.

If you believe God knows what is best for us, join us and the Wellness Gospel team and spread the word, share this with your friends on social media and may God bless you richly.

If you want to keep improving your health and enjoy this kind of biblical, scientific information, then I would like to recommend three must-read books.

  1. “God’s Guide to Biblical Health and Healing” by Rev. Chris and Shary Schauermann    http://tinyurl.com/zvkbfau
  2. “Let’s Play Doctor” by Dr. Joel Wallach                                                                                                 http://tinyurl.com/j8ybt8r
  3. “None of These Diseases” by S.I. McMillen, M.D. and David E. Stern, M. D.                      http://tinyurl.com/hh7ezs2

You can get all these books at Amazon.com or simply click on the URL next to each book title.


  1. http://www.npr.org/sections/thesalt/2014/05/20/313983587/lawmakers-seek-delay-on-healthy-lunch-rules-for-schools
  2. http://www.latimes.com/nation/la-na-school-lunch-20150422-story.html
  3. Salt matters  usnews.com/health-news/health-wellness/articles/2015/03/20/is-salt-the-newest-workout-supplyment.
  4. Sodium is bad https://healthyforgood.heart.org/eat-smart/infographics/effects-of-excess-sodium-infographic
  5. May 22nd 1996 edition of the New York Times, the article was abstracted from the Journal of American Medical Association.

Arthritis, God’s recipe for avoiding it!

Arthritis,Bible, Science


According to the CDC (Centers for Disease Control), Mar 6, 2017 – “In the United States, 23% of all adults—over 54 million people—have arthritis. Arthritis is a leading cause of disability. The annual direct medical costs are at least 81 billion.”  If you live a typical American lifestyle with a typical American diet, you will eventually contract some form of arthritis before you die.

Symptoms of arthritis are pain, weakness, aching, stiffness, and swelling, in or around the joints.

Arthritis,Bible, Science

About 50% of US adults with heart disease or diabetes and 33% of people who are obese also have arthritis. Having arthritis and other chronic conditions can reduce the quality of life and make disease management harder.

The centers for disease control teaches people to cope with the disease and reduce it’s effects. They do not believe you can beat the disease.   The CDC says, “people with arthritis can work and do other daily activities, have less pain, manage their own care, and delay disability.” Did you get that “Delay disability!” Like being disabled with arthritis is inevitable. [1][2]


What does God Say About Arthritis?

Deuteronomy 7:11-15 “Therefore, take care to follow the commands, decrees and laws I give you today…     The Lord will keep you free from every disease

If you are suffering from Arthritis, I have some great news for you! It is not inevitable, you can overcome arthritis. According to God’s word, we are not going to simply live longer lives if we listen to God’s instructions, we are going to live better lives, way better.

My experience with arthritis!

A few years ago, I ran a 200-mile relay race called Ragnar. It was an awesome experience. We ran south from Canada, along the Washington coast, the scenery was breathtaking. However, when it was over I felt pretty bad. My joints hurt and it took me a while to recover. When the next year came I decided that by training early on I would be better prepared. Instead I never fully recovering from the second race, and as a result I could not run without pain. My next plan was to  stretching more, but that didn’t help either.  I did all the things I had done in the past to relieve joint pain and nothing worked. 

Another thing that I noticed was that I seemed to have lost a lot of strength. I still felt great otherwise, I jog/walked about 3 miles a week and did 120 push-ups a day, but I couldn’t run like before. My office is on the second floor of our church, I used to run up the stairs each day. After the second Ragnar Relay, I just didn’t have the strength to do it anymore.

Your just getting old, get over it!

Now someone might say, “you are in your mid-sixties, what do you expect?” I was starting to believe them, but I wasn’t ready to completely give up. I decided to call my daughter Leah since she has a master’s degree in health and nutrition. When I told her what was going on she suggested I take glucosamine. I said that I was under the impression that glucosamine was in Knox Gelatin. Although she agreed, she suggested that I might not be getting enough in the gelatin. So I started taking glucosimine and felt a lot better, but not 100%. So, fast forward a couple of years later. I start training for a seniors track and field competition held each year in Oregon. The more I trained the more I began to have the same old issues. It became unworkable on our anniversary this year.

An anniversary spoiled by arthritis!

Shary and I try to do something special for our anniversary each year. Our something special, usually includes sunshine, since we live in the darkest place on earth. My rain gauge recorded 181 inches last year. That is about 34 inches a month. It is so dark here that occasionally the street lights come on in the middle of the day. Well this year, February 14th  2017, we headed to Phoenix, Arizona to play in the sun.

Due to my recent inflammation I was miserable , I could barely walk and couldn’t drive a car.  While in Phoenix, I went to two chiropractors, because the sciatica nerve in the back of my right leg was killing me. Both doctors told me the same thing; there is nothing out of alignment, it is probably some swelling in your knee that is pinching the nerve. The second doctor wouldn’t even take my money, he said he couldn’t help me, I begged him to try anyway, but he made me leave his office.  I was starting to walk like an old man, you know, shuffling a little and looking like my feet and knees hurt.

Arthritis, Bible, joints, science

Again, people may say that this is a part of getting older. I am not sure how that works since one of my knees hurts a lot more than the other, and I am pretty sure both my knees are the same age. My answer to people who say age is the problem, and your answer should be; “there are people in their nineties who are still running marathons”.  Age doesn’t make arthritis inevitable. Somebody is going to be arthritis free, might as well be us.

Could arthritis be the result of a spiritual problem?

Psalm 31:9-10

Be merciful to me, Lord, for I am in distress; my eyes grow weak with sorrow, my soul and body with grief.
10 My life is consumed by anguish and my years by groaning; my strength fails because of my affliction, and my bones grow weak.


Psalm 38:3, 6, 8

3My body is unhealthy due to your anger, and my bones have no rest due to my sin.
I am bent over and walk about greatly bowed down; all day long I go around mourning.
I am weak and utterly crushed;  I cry out in distress because of my heart’s anguish.

In both of these passages, weakness and bone pain are linked to sin. Weakness and bone pain are symptoms of arthritis and are also linked to grieving. We know that if we draw near to God, he promises to draw near to us and comfort us. If we have any unconfessed sin in our lives, a possible solution to our arthritis is to go to God and appropriate His forgiveness. He loves us and his desire is to forgive us; all we need to do is ask and receive.

Arthritis, Bible, Science

One of our church members!

We have a dear man in our church who was crippled, he was all bent over when he walked. At his baptism, he followed the advice in the passage below by confessing his sins. A few hours later he called me all excited, yelling that he could raise his arms over his head and that he was walking upright. That happened a number of years ago and he is still walking upright and going strong. That was obviously a miracle, but God is no respecter of persons and his word is true. Maybe you need to receive His forgiveness in order to be healed of arthritis?

1 John 1:7-9

But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, his Son, purifies us from all[a] sin. If we claim to be without sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.


I believe that if we follow God’s advice about sin and sickness, rest and exercise, food and forgiveness we can be disease free.  According to the Bible, Caleb was still able to go to war at 85. Don Pellman is still pole vaulting at 100, someone is going to live healthy past 100, might as well be us.[5][6]


Could I be missing some essential nutrient in my diet?

When we got home from Phoenix, I read everything I could about arthritis. Arthritis is a calcium deficiency disease, a co-factor for the absorption of calcium is   vitamin D. Our skin can manufacture vitamin D if it is exposed to sunlight.  People who live in darker climates like Astoria Oregon, don’t get enough sunshine and tend to be low in vitamin D. Eating fish like the Bible recommends would probably solve the problem, since fish contain a lot of vitamin D. I realized how little fish I eat and decided to up my fish intake, I also took fish oil capsules. After a week or so I started to feel better but not great.

Another co-factor for calcium absorption is vitamin C, even though I take vitamin C, I don’t usually get to 10,000 mg a day that Linus Pauling recommended. So, I upped my Vitamin C intake and again I felt a little better.

I ran out of glucosamine and just never got around to replacing it!

Something was still missing, then it dawned on me, I had run out of glucosamine about a year ago and never purchased more. I was desperate, we immediately went to Costco and purchased some. I continued to do all the other things and take glucosamine.

It worked so well I could hardly believe it, the last time I felt this good I was in my forties.  Now I am literally running up stairs, two steps at a time. Am I back to normal? No, I am feeling better than normal and stronger. I had no idea how weak arthritis could make you.  It is not just that people don’t push themselves, because of the pain, arthritis short circuits your nervous system which actually reduces your strength.

Why do we need supplements? People in the Bible didn’t have supplements.

I really think that if we lived in a sunnier climate we might not have this problem.  The climate God sent Abraham and Israel to live in was sunny enough to grow citrus fruits. It also had an abundance of fish, milk and honey.

If we ate more fish and boiled our bones like the bible suggests, we probably wouldn’t need all the other supplements.  When you boil bones it releases calcium and cartilage material, including glucosamine. [7]

God recommends boiling bones for calcium rich, cartilage rich, soup stock.

Deuteronomy 16:7

Boil and eat the Passover meal at the place that the LORD your God will choose.

Ezekiel 24:3b-5

 ‘This is what the Sovereign Lord says: “‘Put on the cooking pot; put it on and pour water into it. Put into it the pieces of meat, all the choice pieces—the leg and the shoulder. Fill it with the best of these bones; 5take the pick of the flock.
Pile wood beneath it for the bones; bring it to a boil and cook the bones in it.

If you don’t live in a place like Israel and you don’t have time to boil your meat and bones, you are going to have to supplement. Here is what I did.

Prescription for reversing arthritis and getting your strength back!

Arthritis, Bible, Nutriician, Science

Chris’s smoothie recipe. Put all these ingredients in a Nutribullet and blend for 60 seconds. Drink one of these each day for 40 days, then send me an email or comment on this blog post and tell me how you feel. This is my breakfast, I sip on it all morning. Sometimes it supplies enough nutrition that I don’t get hungry till dinner. This also helps keep my weight under control.

  1. One tablet, with 1500 mg. of glucosamine and 1500 mg. MSM
  2. 600 mg Calcium + D3
  3. 10,000 mg tablets of Vitamin C
  4. 2 mg. copper
  5. 1000 mg of fish oil
  6. 353 mg. Krill oil (Mega Red)
  7. 10,000 IU of Vitamin A
  8. 400 IU of vitamin E
  9. One packet of Knox Gelatin (cartilage material)
  10. One handful of raisins (for iron)
  11. Two Tablespoons of organic honey (to balance the ph)
  12. ¾ cup of frozen raspberry, blueberry, blackberry mix (for antioxidants)
  13. ¼ orange (for natural vitamin C)
  14. Two raw eggs, you can use hard boiled if you like (see my blog on raw eggs) [8][9]
  15. Fill the rest of the 2 cup size Nutribullet, with whole milk.

Raisins and honey can be increased to suit your taste, it sweetens the smoothie. Berries, Orange and milk can also be increased to suit your taste.

arthritis, Bible, science, nutrition

If you have any questions or comments about this or any other Wellness Gospel article, please feel free to send an email to chrisschauermann@gmail.com. I would love to hear from you.

If you believe God knows what is best for us, join us and the Wellness Gospel team and spread the word, share this with your friends on social media and may God bless you richly.

If you want to keep improving your health and enjoy this biblical view of scientific information then I would like to recommend three must-read books.

  1. “None of These Diseases” by S. I. McMillen, M.D. and David E. Stern, M.D.
  2. “Let’s Play Doctor” by Dr. Joel Wallach
  3. “God’s Guide To Biblical Health and Healing” by Rev. Chris & Shary Schauermann

You can get all these books at Amazon.com

  1. Arthritis   https://www.cdc.gov/chronicdisease/resources/publications/aag/arthritis.htm
  2. Arthritis medicinenet.com/script/main/art.asp?articlekey=23220
  3. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1446222/pdf/10800421.pdf
  4. http://www.chickencartilage.com/harvardstudy/
  5. Don Pellman pole-vaults http://wellnessgospel.net/index.php/2016/12/24/wholewheat-longevity-disease-free-living/
  6. 100 year old man pole-vaults http://www.titansreport.com/topic/19232-100-year-old-don-pellman-dominates-the-senior-olympics/
  7. Glucosamine https://draxe.com/glucosamine/
  8. Eggs http://wellnessgospel.net/index.php/2016/10/29/heart-disease-alzheimers-eggs-depression/
  9. Raw eggs http://wellnessgospel.net/index.php/2017/02/04/eggs-oldest-person-alive/